Pi XR Develops Interactive Mixed Reality Platforms for Surgery and Medical Education.
Pi XR is a global brand offering hands-on and interactive mixed reality solutions in healthcare, based in London with branches in Munich, Istanbul and Ankara. It provides sustainable solutions to the healthcare industry with innovative applications such as Ortho iXR, Spine XR, Anatomy XR and Dental XR. Pi XR, which aims to move all surgical and operation processes to virtual reality platforms in the long term, leads the sector with the motto “If You Tell Me I Forget, If You Tell Me I Remember, If You Include Me I Learn”.
By processing MRI and CT data with artificial intelligence, it offers surgeons 3D modeling-based surgical planning where they can examine the patient's anatomy in a virtual environment and make the right decisions.
Anatomy XR is an innovative complex reality platform that allows interactive exploration of the human anatomy.
It is a mixed reality material that provides education about the spine, scoliosis and herniated discs and supports students to gain experience.
It is a platform that presents dentistry education and treatment planning in an interactive and effective way in a complex reality environment.
Innovative in Health Education: Integration of Vertebrae Obtained from Cadaver With 3D Scanner into Virtual Reality Application
A Different Perpective on Anatomy Education: Modelling and Virtual Reality
Enhancing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Through Virtual Reality Technology
Lumbar Spine Visualization: An Algorithmic Approach to 3D Printing For Training and Surgical Planning